Product PR Agency in London

Make sure your product launch generates the recognition and buzz that it deserves. Our experts will promote your existing range or new product launch to drive the brand awareness your business deserves


Why do you need to have a product PR strategy?

  • You fear a ‘lack of control’ over what journalists could write about your products
  • You’re unsure how to make your product ‘stand out’ in a saturated market
  • You want to address and change the reputation of your business
  • Your business doesn’t launch products regularly, is product PR a short-term strategy?
  • You don’t have the time to manage relationships with journalists, influencers and bloggers
You fear a ‘lack of control’ over what journalists could write about your products Open Tabbed Content

No control?

Product PR is unique in the way that you’re giving each journalist, influencer and blogger the opportunity to build a connection with your brand. Their experience with your product will dictate how they review it and recommend it to others. These reviews are often glowing or written objectively without injecting personal opinions or emotions. 

Rarely, brands receive a negative review of their product from journalists, influencers and bloggers.

Negative reviews can occur for a number of reasons, including: poorly communicated or incorrect product details, ethical concerns such as its environmental impacts, labour practices or general safety issues even down to courier management and how the product arrives with the journalist, influencer or blogger.

It is our job as experts to get to know your products, as well as you do, so we can passionately deliver all of the key insights and details about them. This will provide journalists with the information they need to review your products accurately.

It’s essential to note that journalists have a professional obligation to assess products objectively, and their reviews are rooted in genuine concerns or issues with the product’s performance, quality, or ethics.

You’re unsure how to make your product ‘stand out’ in a saturated market Open Tabbed Content

Struggling to stand out?

This is where we come in. We will work closely with you to gain a deeper understanding of your product’s USPs, ensuring these stand out and capture journalists, influencers and bloggers’ attention for review opportunities. We will also analyse how your products differ from those of your competitors to ensure this information is front and centre and clearly communicated. We are experts at placing your products on a platform so that they get noticed by your target audience.

You want to address and change the reputation of your business Open Tabbed Content

Spreading news to a mass audience

Product PR is a great way to generate greater brand credibility and trust which increases the return in positive reviews from both journalists and your consumers. If you’ve received a few bad reviews about your products, the best thing you can do is acknowledge them and remedy the issue. The more focus you put into enhancing customer experience, interacting with consumers and including their rave reviews on your website, the quicker you can build back your business’s reputation.

Your business doesn’t launch products regularly, is product PR a short-term strategy? Open Tabbed Content

You’re planning a one-off event

Product PR can be used all year round, without the need for new product launches. We liaise with key media contacts, influencers and bloggers ahead of all key retail dates such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas. We also have great success in promoting our clients’ products in Valentine’s Day gift guides too! We also have our finger on the pulse when it comes to promoting our clients’ offers, discounts and promotions so that consumers are connected with the best deals 24/7.

You don’t have the time to manage relationships with journalists, influencers and bloggers Open Tabbed Content

No time?

This is where we can offer our support and expertise. We will manage all communications with key journalist contacts as well as influencers and bloggers. From the initial outreach stage right through to facilitating the review opportunity until it’s published online. We have got you covered! We will connect your products with the most suitable individuals, building long-term relationships with them to land positive coverage for your brand.

Our Product Digital PR Services

Our product digital PR service focuses on maximising your brand’s exposure through a combined approach of strategic blogger activity, product reviews and media placements.

Blogger activity

Blogger activity helps to reach a wider audience, build credibility, and generate conversations and excitement online. Reviews and recommendations can greatly influence consumer purchasing decisions.

Product reviews

Product reviews provide valuable feedback from customers, build credibility, and influence purchasing decisions. 

Product launches

A successful launch can help build brand awareness, drive sales, and establish credibility in the market. We utilise product launches to generate conversations, attract media attention, and create excitement among consumers.

Influencer reviews

Influencer reviews are a great way to provide authentic and trusted opinions to potential customers, helping to build credibility and drive sales.

Brand PR strategy

Brand PR strategy is crucial for product PR as it helps build credibility, trust, and loyalty among consumers. It shapes the perception of the brand and influences purchasing decisions. Effective brand PR can greatly enhance the success of product PR campaigns.

What our clients are saying

“Working closely with Distinctly, we saw noticeable improvements in our online presence and organic traffic. Our collaboration delivered solid results in a very short time.”

Adrian Clipotă, SEO Manager at Katana Cloud Manufacturing

“Distinctly bring the same professionalism to digital marketing as we do to garden wildlife. I’m an expert in my field and it’s a delight to find a company that uphold the same ethics and expertise in their own field.”

Sean McMenemy, Managing Director and Founder, Ark Wildlife

“Distinctly have worked creatively yet concisely to build and promote visibility of Vape Club as a leader within the vaping industry.”

Dan Marchant, founder and director of Vape Club

Digital PR case studies

Our Digital PR offerings

  • Link building
  • Outreachable content audit
  • Reactive/traditional PR tactics for links
Link building Open Tabbed Content

Link building tactics

Our strategies for generating links expand wider than just journalists and publications – our bread and butter is traditional link building. This includes: Converting existing brand mentions, utilising existing resources on your website and targeting competitors’ broken links. We can also create resources that we believe will be ‘linkable’ – this is a great strategy to drive high authority links from universities, and government websites.

Outreachable content audit Open Tabbed Content

Outreachable content audit

We perform an in-depth audit of your existing blog content to identify opportunities that are already on your website for earning links and coverage. We repurpose this content for outreach to publications and websites, focusing it on trending topics or seasonal events and giving it a catchy newsworthy hook that is attributed to the experts at your business.

Reactive/traditional PR tactics for links Open Tabbed Content

Reactive/traditional PR tactics

We use traditional PR tactics to increase brand awareness whilst earning high authority links. 

We identify reactive news opportunities by monitoring media conversations relating to your industry and audience, as well as journalist requests for experts on our media database tools and X. We promote pre-approved quotes to relevant press titles in the interest of speed and also can write comments on your behalf if opportunities are more unique or exclusive. 

We also regularly place thought leadership/byline articles for our clients in top publications – putting you in front of your target audience, establishing a trusted face behind your brand and earning highly relevant and authoritative links at the same time.

Our Product PR process

Outreachable content audit

An audit of all existing content on site is conducted, analyzing how ‘newsworthy’ each post is to earn coverage and links. We position this content from the experts internally who can comment or be quoted.

Outreachable content audit

An audit of all existing content on site is conducted, analyzing how ‘newsworthy’ each post is to earn coverage and links. We position this content from the experts internally who can comment or be quoted.


With our in-depth knowledge of the media landscape and what journalists look for, we have a real cutting edge. Our experienced team has built up rapport with journalists and editors at all kinds of publications, from niche industry titles to big nationals. Effective communication and excellent content are key: we provide journalists with stories that sell themselves and they give our clients invaluable coverage.

Media liaison

Engaging with the media is a vital part of what we do. Luckily, we’re pretty darn good at it. Speaking to the right journalists and editors allows us to provide reactivity to our clients. And effective use of the best industry tools allows us to monitor opportunities for your business in real time, as well as making sure our campaigns are landing in the right places at the right time.

Our most recent coverage and links

Speak to a Digital PR specialist

Frequently asked questions about product PR

What is Product PR?

Product PR is a marketing strategy that uses a brand’s products to gain greater visibility and awareness of its business to increase the chances of sales. A business can adopt Product PR strategies when they are planning to launch a new product, or, generally increase brand recognition for its wider product/service offering.

Why is PR important for new product launches?

New product launches require support for a number of reasons. They perform most successfully when a buzz has been created around the product, increasing its visibility to your intended audience which leads to greater feelings of anticipation and excitement. Product launches are also an effective way to enhance your brand’s image. It’s an opportunity to discuss why this product was brought to the market, why consumers will love it as well as where they can purchase it from. This can ultimately result in waiting lists for the product leading to boosted sales.

Is Product PR right for our business?

There are a few questions that you can ask yourself to determine whether or not Product PR is the appropriate strategy for you and your business:

  • Do you have surplus samples of your product? 
  • Or, could you arrange additional samples of your product that can be used to share with key journalists, influencers and bloggers?
  • Do you have access to hi-res imagery of your products?
  • Does your new product/ wider product range have a USP?
  • Are your competitors performing well due to a Product PR strategy?
  • Is your product tied to a trend that everyone is talking about? If so, increased visibility is essential in order to get noticed in time 

The most important question…

  • Has anyone heard of your products before? Does your key audience know they exist?

If you answered ‘yes’ to the first set of questions, then Product PR is perfect for you!

What results can we expect from a well-executed Product PR strategy?

A successfully planned and executed Product PR strategy will generate a number of positive results for you and your business. These can range from: increased brand visibility, positive brand perception, media coverage in news outlets your audience engages with, competitor advantage and improved customer loyalty and sales.

Why is Product PR a successful marketing strategy?

Product PR is a successful marketing strategy because it builds credibility and trust with your key target audience. Reviews of your product, provided by top-tier publications, influencers and bloggers will encourage consumers to buy your products if they’ve been positively recommended by impartial sources. 

A trust-driven strategy is becoming even more important for brands as Google places more emphasis on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness). Google uses this quality criteria to evaluate the credibility and relevance of web pages and websites. This strategy is essential in driving visibility for your brand online.

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